Universal Mental Healthcare - Sustainable Development Goals are the way of the future!
Are you or a loved one experiencing social withdrawal? Mood disturbances? Thought disturbances? Changes in behavior? Irregular expression of feelings? Perhaps you or a loved one have already been diagnosed with or are actively treating a mental health condition.
I hope you can take some comfort in the fact that you are not alone. According to a survey conducted by Mental Health America (MHA), nearly 50 million Americans are living with a mental illness. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) defines mental illnesses as medical conditions that disrupt a person’s thinking, feeling, mood, daily functioning, and ability to relate to others. Just like physical illness, mental illness requires further treatment with a healthcare professional. Unfortunately, almost a quarter of all adults struggling with mental illness were unable to access the treatment they needed as a result of absence of health insurance or coverage limitations, shortage of mental health professionals, lack of treatment types, significant disconnect between primary and behavioral health systems, and exorbitant costs for mental health services if providers do not take insurance (MHA, 2022). Another worthy factor to consider is that individuals may be hesitant to pursue mental health treatment due to societal stigma. The consequences of lack of mental health treatment are dire and can result in increased suicide rates, increased rates of chronic medical conditions, and increased incarceration rates to name a few (NAMI, 2022).
The United Nations (UN) is an international organization where the world’s nations can gather together, discuss common problems and find shared solutions (United Nations, 2023). The UN is responsible for the creation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals ‘SDG’, each with an intent to promote prosperity while protecting the planet (United Nations, 2023). The SDG’s are:
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Good Health & Well-being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water & Sanitation
Affordable & Clean Energy
Decent Work & Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequalities
Sustainable Cities & Communities
Responsible Consumption & Production
Climate Action
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
As a whole, there are 169 unique targets divided amongst the goals to act as guiding principles to achieve said goal. All members of the UN as of 2015 have agreed upon the creation of the SDG’s and have committed to contributing towards the achievement of all 17 goals by 2030. The one we’ll be focusing in on is SDG #3 - good health & well-being, as this goal is one way in which we as a society can work together to increase access to affordable mental healthcare services. This is the first global plan documented that factors mental health as a realm in need of further development. Target 3.4 of this goal pertains to reducing noncommunicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promoting mental health and well-being (World Health Organization).
The commitment to improving mental healthcare by the United Nations and World Health Organization are vital proponents for creating a better world and dismantling systemic barriers associated with untreated mental illness. This global scale initiative is a great step in the right direction, and will require participation from more than just United Nations members.
How can you make a difference in advocating for mental health care in your community? Stay tuned for more articles where we will discuss the expectations and benefits of therapy as well as some tips to improve your mental health outside of therapy.
Access to Care Data 2022. Mental Health America. (2022). Retrieved from https://mhanational.org/issues/2022/mental-health-america-access-care-data#:~:text=Adults%20with%20Ami%20Who%20Did%20Not%20Receive%20Treatment%202022&text=Over%20half%20(56%25)%20of,Vermont%20to%2067.1%25%20in%20Hawaii.
Navigating a mental health crisis. NAMI. (2018). Retrieved from https://www.nami.org/Support-Education/Publications-Reports/Guides/Navigating-a-Mental-Health-Crisis
United Nations. (n.d.). The 17 Goals | Sustainable Development. United Nations. Retrieved from https://sdgs.un.org/goals
World Health Organization. (n.d.). Targets of Sustainable Development Goal 3. World Health Organization. Retrieved from https://www.who.int/europe/about-us/our-work/sustainable-development-goals/targets-of-sustainable-development-goal-3